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Divers Alert Network (DAN) Hazardous Marine Life Injuries First Aid Course

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DAN First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries

Learn to identify and avoid hazardous marine life and how to respond to injuries should they occur.

One reason many people learn to dive is to interact with and observe marine life; however, this is the same reason some are afraid to scuba dive. Fortunately, injuries caused by hazardous marine life are rare and usually the result of a diver’s actions. Any time we enter the marine environment there is always the risk of being stung, bitten or cut by aquatic animals. These injuries are usually mild and require only simple interventions by first-aid providers. On rare occasions more involved care is necessary.

The First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries course is an entry-level training program that teaches participants how to identify potentially hazardous marine life, how to provide first aid when injuries occur and techniques for avoidance.

"At least 2 people stung by deadly Box Jellyfish in Singapore - July 2020."

Interested to find out more about Box Jellyfish, Irukandji, Portuguese Man-of-war, Scorpionfish, Stonefish, Stingrays, Sea Snakes, Corals, Anemones, Cone Snails, Blue-ringed Octopus, Sea Urchins, Crown-of-thorns... etc., contact us for the details and other Divers Alert Network (DAN) World courses.

Curriculum Subject Areas and Objectives

Students participating in this course will be able to answer the following questions at the end of the knowledge-development section:

     πŸ™ Introduction to Hazardous Marine Life Injuries

          πŸ¦‘ What are the three general categories of marine life injuries?

          πŸ¦‘ What is an envenomation?

          πŸ¦‘ What is the usual trigger for marine animal bites?

          πŸ¦‘ What is the primary cause of seafood poisoning?

     πŸ™ Envenomations and Toxins

          πŸ¦‘ By what mechanisms do envenomations occur?

          πŸ¦‘ Why do most envenmations occur?

          πŸ¦‘ What factors may impact an individual’s response to envenomations?

          πŸ¦‘ What are the first-aid steps for venomous fish injuries?

          πŸ¦‘ For which three injuries is the pressure immobilization technique recommended?

          πŸ¦‘ What are the general first-aid guidelines for jellyfish stings?

          πŸ¦‘ What are the general first-aid guidelines for treating injuries from contact with marine life?

     πŸ™ Traumatic Injuries (Control of External Bleeding)

          πŸ¦‘ For what three reasons do marine animal bites occur?

          πŸ¦‘ Why are marine animal bites of particular concern?

          πŸ¦‘ What is the primary method to control most external bleeding?

          πŸ¦‘ When should a tourniquet be utilized?

          πŸ¦‘ How long should a tourniquet be left in place?

          πŸ¦‘ What are the signs and symptoms of infection?

     πŸ™ Seafood Poisonings

          πŸ¦‘ What is the primary cause of seafood poisoning?

          πŸ¦‘ What kinds of contaminates trigger seafood poisoning?

          πŸ¦‘ What are the three well-established types of seafood poisoning?

          πŸ¦‘ How can the risk of seafood poisoning be minimized?

     πŸ™ Life-Threatening Complications

          πŸ¦‘ What are the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction?

          πŸ¦‘ What steps should be taken if an allergic reaction occurs?

          πŸ¦‘ What are the signs and symptoms of cardiogenic shock?

          πŸ¦‘ What steps should be taken if cardiogenic shock occurs?

          πŸ¦‘ What are the signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock?

          πŸ¦‘ What steps should be taken in the case of severe bleeding?

     πŸ™ Avoiding Hazardous Marine Life Injuries

          πŸ¦‘ What are the likely causes of injuries by marine life?

          πŸ¦‘ What dive practices can reduce the risk of injuries from marine life?

Provider Skill Objectives

Students who have participated in the skill-development portion of this course will be able to perform the following skills:

     πŸ™ Scene Safety Assessment

          πŸ¦‘ List the steps in performing a scene safety assessment.

          πŸ¦‘ Perform a scene safety assessment in a scenario.

          πŸ¦‘ Use appropriate first-aid barrier devices in a scenario.

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate a caring attitude toward a simulated person who has become ill or injured.

     πŸ™ Donning and Doffing Gloves

          πŸ¦‘ Don gloves without tearing or compromising the glove integrity.

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate removal of gloves without contaminating exposed skin.

     πŸ™ Initial Assessment with Basic Life Support

          πŸ¦‘ Establish responsiveness of a simulated injured/ill person.

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate current sequence of providing care with proper ventilations and compression rates.

     πŸ™ Shock Management

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate the proper technique for managing shock by placing the victim on his back or in a position of comfort and taking steps to maintain normal body temperature in a scenario.

     πŸ™ Injury Management

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate the proper technique in a scenario for managing

               πŸ‘ spiny envenomations

               πŸ‘ stinging envenomations

               πŸ‘ contact injuries

     πŸ™ Pressure Immobilization Technique

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate the proper technique for applying a pressure immobilization bandage.

     πŸ™ Traumatic Injuries (Control of External Bleeding)

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate applying direct pressure to control bleeding on a simulated injured person.

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate bandaging to secure a dressing in place once bleeding has stopped on a simulated injured person.

     πŸ™ Applying a Tourniquet

          πŸ¦‘ Demonstrate applying a tourniquet to control bleeding on a simulated injured person.

     πŸ™ Severe Allergic Reactions

          πŸ¦‘ Donstrate the proper technique for assisting with an epinephrine auto-injector in a scenario.

     πŸ™ Emergency Assistance Plan

          πŸ¦‘ List the components of an emergency assistance plan.

          πŸ¦‘ Develop an emergency assistance plan for the local diving area.

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